Nottingham green tea
Nottingham green tea

My turning point was finding a packet of White Monkey, a tea that connected me to home and my family, with a familiar delicate taste. They had over forty teas categorised in groups, all in jars to inspect and packets to buy. I don’t recall everything about my first crawl, but I vividly remember ending the day in Lee Rosy’s tea bar, the best café to ever grace the streets of Nottingham, a “home away from home” for many.

#Nottingham green tea series

A café crawl is a staple KettleSoc social, visiting a series of cafés over an evening, similar to a bar crawl but much more relaxing and of course alcohol-free. I joined the café crawl because a newly made friend said they were.

nottingham green tea

It wasn’t till the Wednesday of Freshers week that it all changed. Even funnier, I remember three days after my A-level results day looking at societies on the UoN SU website, seeing KettleSoc and chuckling a bit. It tasted mild, floral and sweet like honey. I liked one tea, and only one, White Monkey, a pure loose leaf green tea that my mum got on holiday ages ago in York. One key distinction is that I was never concerned about tea. So, make yourself a cuppa, get cosy and I sincerely hope you enjoy this blog post.īefore the start of university, I was a very different person looking back now it often feels as if I am looking at a stranger, or a relative, more so than myself. Hence, following our recent collab with Creative Writing society, I have been invited by the Creative Writing President, and my friend, Matt Bird to share my experiences and expertise about tea. I have personally been a member for all four years of my Maths degree and masters and during this time I have learnt a great deal about the history, preparation and types of tea, as well as gaining an extensive understanding of Nottingham’s unique café culture. We are a wholesome and welcoming society for people who like hot drinks and for people who like to meet new people, so a very wide demographic.

nottingham green tea

In all seriousness we are the tea, coffee, hot chocolate (basically any drink that can be made with a kettle) society. “KettleSoc?!” I hear you say in a high-pitched comical tone that is commonly found escaping the lips of students walking past our stall at Freshers Fair. I am the former President and current Vice Present of KettleSoc UoN. Let me introduce myself, my name is Kate Holmes. Well, I guess here I should say “Dear Reader” but religiously this is how I have always started my announcements, emails and messages to my society, so humour me here because it feels right.

Nottingham green tea